July 18, 2022

How LifeVoxel enhances functionality in medical imaging

Kovey Kovalan

Medical imaging is a critical field in today’s world and its importance is set to increase even further in the coming years. As such medical imaging centers need to be equipped with the best technology so as to be able to cater to its surging demand in a time-bound manner. However, many imaging centers today continue to use conventional RIS PACS Software technology which brings along higher costs and below-par efficiency. The irony is the fact that this is happening when advanced technology that is being offered by firms such as LifeVoxel is capable of cutting cost and enhancing efficiency.

Why it’s time to move past conventional RIS/PACS?

Opting for conventional RIS/PACS leads to a number of inconveniences along with higher costs.

Since the storage infrastructure would have to be created on the premises of the establishment, a huge amount would be required as an upfront investment. But the expenses do not end there. A dedicated team of qualified professionals would be required for maintaining the server rooms. This is apart from the high costs that would be incurred on electricity and server cooling.

Conventional systems make the sharing of imaging data a tedious process. Physical transport of the medical images results in added expenses as well as inordinate delays. Compatibility issues are also a major concern.

The technological leap offered by LifeVoxel

LifeVoxel offers medical imaging solutions which can address the difficulties of maintaining and putting to use conventional on-premise PACS/RIS. LifeVoxel has combined the technologies of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Cloud computing and Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) to significantly cut costs while enhancing the quality of images and efficiency in medical imaging. GPU is very critical as it accelerates the tensor processing necessary for deep learning. It has revolutionized various aspects related to the sector. Predictive buffering crushes the latency and large data access speed over the internet. The use of GPU to manipulate GB of patient data remotely, prevents patient privacy breach by not transmitting data to end-user. GPUs are great for artificial intelligence algorithms enabling them to execute in real-time. Machine Learning through AI algorithms is key to providing clinicians with decision support and other analytics involving imaging data.

Image sharing, VNA and Cloud computing

The use of powerful cloud computing technology has meant that imaging centers do not have to maintain on-premise storage infrastructure. This leads to significant financial gains. In addition to this cloud computing also provides for easy sharing of medical imaging data in a matter of seconds. Compatibility issues are comprehensively addressed so as to make sure that turnaround time for the scans is minimal. LifeVoxel\ offers a solution based on Vendor Neutral Archive (VNA) which allows for greater compatibility and easier sharing of medical images. LifeVoxel gives patients control of their medical record including for second opinions and for treatments.

Advanced Visualization

Server-side rendering and predictive buffering is utilized to increase the convenience of usage. Large and complex imaging data such as CT scans, 3D Mammo, MRI, etc are handled using this technology and can be accessed with high speed and zero latency, intuitive intelligent adaptive visualizations can be achieved interactively over the internet. High standards of imaging quality are maintained taking cognisance of the critical nature of the scan results.

Security and certification

The utility of the solutions offered by LifeVoxel has been acknowledged by top-level authorities. The company owns 12 patents in the field. LifeVoxel’s facilitates FDA cleared tools for doctors to create & review findings and are approved by the HIPAA. The company has a ten-year-long track record of actively seeking to improve the technology being used in medical imaging centers and thereby improve results.

LifeVoxel offers solutions which revolutionized the medical imaging sector and make it competent to address the challenges of the present as well as the anticipated challenges of the near future. With the technical innovations and proven capabilities such as zero-latency and scalability issues while offering a robust workflow where clinicians can view, report, share anywhere, anytime on any device, LifeVoxel appears to be the Netflix in the field of medical imaging. It helps imaging centers cut costs while reducing downtime, increasing accessibility to the medical images and offering premium quality images. The time has come to bid adieu to outdated RIS PACS Software technology and embrace the advanced technology that is being offered by players like LifeVoxel.

Where to now?

For more information on this article or to view our software in action, please don't hesitate to schedule a virtual tour.

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